What we call a shadow


After ten years of live mixing audiovisuals and a whole year of working, in September 2007 The Light Surgeons premiered their great show in Troy, New York –Uncle Sam’s home town, where it was shooted a big part of the footage. Since then, only other two european stages had housed the enormous performance of ‘True Fictions’, a mixing of documentary film, motion graphics and live music. Last night, the Teatro Alameda of Seville was filled with screens and silhouettes to do a great staging job, with a big technological display.

It was funny that, after all the critics, the final message of the show was full of hope. A necesarry song of freedom, in these days of qualms and distruts. A defence of light because, as Henri Barbusse wrote:

Shadows don’t exist; what you call a shadow is the light you cannot see.


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