Ten years have passed since the ZEMOS98 festival made its first appearance
at El Viso del Alcor. In January 2008 we went back there to celebrate with an
audiovisual birthday cake. Over that time, ZEMOS98 has worked to transmit
culture from Andalusia and generate an ongoing exchange of trends, theory
and critical culture between our community and the rest of the world. For this reason, ZEMOS98: blow out your birthday candles and make a wish: let’s
keep believing in culture.
The leitmotiv for this occasion wasn’t picked by chance. In Through the
Looking Glass, Lewis Carroll writes “it’s a poor sort of memory that only works
backwards (...) I can remember things that happened the week after next. Time
flows in two directions... the trick is to remember forwards”. And so the future is
an archive constructed in the past and consulted in the present, a work from the past that we overwrite and reinterpret. For its 10th year, ZEMOS98 goes Back to the past and forwards to the Future. And we pause for a moment in this flux to present an open, participative program generated between storms of enthusiasm, building timeless desires, with the collaboration of Mar Villaespesa.
And... what does it mean to go back to the future? Going back to the future
means remembering what we were doing ten years ago, in order to know what
we will do in ten years time. It means declassifying our memories and turning
them into a time machine. It means unveiling the myth, unmasking the rite and demystifying the medium. It means recording beyond tv again. It’s a place and a time for collective intelligence and creativity. It means rewinding pollution.
Lying by telling the truth. Writing the sexuality of flies. It is the hunger/food of
the soul. It means love. It means knowledge. It means the beginning and the
end (of the world).
To go back to the future has been, is and will continue to be a trip through the
remixed memory of ZEMOS98.